Friday, May 29, 2009

Methods For Achieving Faster Weight Loss

If your intention is to lose weight before the summer then this article will help you achieve your goal. If you want to fit into that bikini and look hot for the summer then do not lose hope your dream can still come true. And for those guys who want to reduce there pot bellies and develop a pair of six packs and transform there body physique to look like a male model then you can still realize your dream. We all want to improve our physical appearance in one way or another and do not think that everyone was born having a wonderful body physique. If you do a background check of some of the models you see on those commercials or walking the run way you will be surprised to find out that some of them were either too skinny or too fat before they managed to transform there body physique.

If you want to lose weight you need to come up with a clear plan which is going to help you achieve your goal. Your plan should not include the use of steroids. The reason I am saying this is because steroids could lead to the following side effects; enlargement of the clitoris, irregularity of themenstrual cycle, growth of facial hair in women, shrinking of testicles in men, low sperm count, decrease in libido, baldness, kidney problems, liver conditions, heart ailments, insomnia, increase in aggression, and depression. Due to the following side effects an effective weight loss program should not incorporate the use of anabolic steroids.

Your plan to lose weight should also not focus on reducing your calorie intake drastically as most fad diets recommend. If you have ever tried going on a fad diet then you will attest to the fact that such diets only increase your food cravings and you end up eating twice the amount of food you used to eat prior to going on a fad diet. As a result of the increase in food cravings you end up increasing your body weight. The other reason why you gain weight as a result of going on a fad diet is that they make your body go into starvation mode. When the body is in starvation mode it will start to preserve energy by burning muscles instead of body fat. You will therefore experience an overall decrease in the number of lean body muscles and a corresponding increase in the number of body fat. Your body metabolism will also slow down as a result of the depletion of body muscles and therefore your body will not be able to burn a lot of calories. When your body metabolism slows down your body weight will increase since you will be burning fewer calories.

A proper plan which will help you lose weight involves aerobic exercises, weight training exercises as well as eating a proper diet. The reason why you should eat a balanced meal is to prevent the body from going into starvation mode. Aerobic exercises and weight training exercises will increase your body metabolism which is very important if you wan to lose weight.

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